‘…For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God, as the waters cover the sea.’ ~ Habakkuk 2:14
How much of the sea is covered with water?
The answer is simple. All of it. 100%.
Our vision is God’s vision, that the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of God. His glory is shown in Jesus Christ, who ‘fills everything in every way’ (Ephesians 1:29).
He wants us to know Christ. And to make him known.
At Church Hill, we share God’s vision. We want what God wants.
We work towards this vision by ‘filling the City with Christ’s teaching’. ~ Acts 5:28
We invite you to join us at onE of our SUNDAY SERVICES AT CHURCH HILL
8:30am*, 10:30am* and 6pm* at St Philip's Church
4pm at The Garrison Church
*This service will be available to watch on our Youtube channel.
Digital copies of the Orders of Service for our live-streamed Services can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding button below
For all information on events and opportunities in the life of our church and city, please subscribe to the weekly news email HERE.